What a Year

To all R2LC clients (coaches, athletes, staff, and family),

One year has come and gone for Refuse2LoseCoaching and what an experience it has been. After more tennis practices and matches than I can count, 80+ basketball games, 30+ soccer matches, 20+ volleyball matches, 10+

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softball games, 1 lacrosse match (I had to google “Lacrosse for Dummies”), numerous workout sessions, and 1 Jr. Miss Pageant (I really had to step outside my comfort zone here) along with uncountable texts, emails, phone conversations to coaches, practices, and sessions, I have developed a new condition, let’s call it the never ending sports mind. And I have loved every minute of it.

Through it all, I have met and become attached to some amazing, inspiring, ambitious, sometimes challenging individuals and teams whom without my job I would have missed out on the opportunity to do so.

Many of you probably already know I lived and breathed your season with you, your ups and downs, your highs and lows, your wins and losses and especially the season ending games. In fact, I probably lived it more than some of your teammates. Yes, I got attached but I realize that is the only way to operate if you want success. When you are willing to put everything on the line for your team, when you are willing to step outside your comfort zone, when you are willing to forget about yourself for someone else- how can that not lead to success?

One of my favorite sayings is “walk the walk, talk the talk”. Too many people speak it, saying they want it- they talk the talk. But it is rare to find those that walk the walk daily. Through my journey I started believing in this more. I started seeing coaches that were willing to put everything on the line for their players, coaches that did the little extras that they demand of their players. I also saw athletes that put team ahead not just in their words but in their actions, that would do whatever in order to assure success even if that meant riding the bench. The athletes that go the extra mile- not just showing up for practice and then being done with their sport. The ones that made their strengths stronger and their weaknesses less weaker. The ones that committed 100% every time on the court or field.

Everyone says they want to be that person. But how many can look in the mirror and know they did everything in their power? It’s so easy to talk but actions speak louder than words.

At the end of this year, I have made countless mistakes, made suggestions probably best left unsaid, had some conversations I’d like to forget about and had some sessions that

I bombed and fell flat on my face. But I know without a doubt, it wasn’t from lack of desire, effort, or passion. I can look in the mirror and know that I gave each one of you a 100% of what I had.

Each team/ individual has left a mark on me. I only hope I have made a difference in just one of you and if so this year has been a success. Thank you all!
