The Little Things

If you are truly dedicated to doing what it takes to reach your goal then you must do all the little things, the little extras.

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Succeeding is about doing all the little extras. You don’t know what is going to be the difference maker so you don’t leave anything to chance- going hard in every practice, doing your workouts, staying positive, warm up, cool down, stretching, packing your tennis bag with everything possible you may need, eating good, getting enough rest, doing what you need to recover, daily visualizations, etc.

Everyone you play is practicing. Going to practice is not enough. What are you going to do that will give you the extra edge? You may never know what one thing makes the difference so why leave anything to chance. Make sure you take care of everything in your control and you will succeed.

In addition, doing all the little extras gives you confidence. You are prepared. You know you did what you needed to do.

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Now you can just go do it!