The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
by Brian Diaz

In my 30+ years on this Earth, I have been blessed to live in 6 different states.  I have travelled to 5 different continents.  I have visited nearly every state in this great country.  All this is to say that every place has its ups and every place has its down.

The first 18 years of my life were spent in South Florida.  My house was 7 miles from a seemingly endless beach.  The price of living in a sub-tropical paradise is 3 months of sweltering heat and humid.  Most recently I lived in a quaint town in Iowa.  We never had to lock our doors.  Crime was all but non-existent.  The down side was the nearest Wal-Mart was a full 45 minutes away.

The point is this; no place is perfect.  No city, no school, no exotic location is perfect.  It is our job to find and focus on the positive things in our life.  Do focus on what is wrong or what is right?  If you can’t fix what is wrong (location of the nearest Wal-Mart), then don’t waste time or energy focusing on it.

If you want to be happy, then find happiness where you are.  This Is Good!  Whatever your situation, there is a positive side to it.  You just have to find it.  In reality, there is probably a negative side to it as well.  But what you choose to focus on will be exactly what you ultimately find.