Overcome Your Challenges and Reach Your Goals

One Month Later: Lessons from My Second Century Ride

A month ago, I completed my second 100-mile cycling event on Amelia Island. Having done the same ride the previous year, I underestimated the challenge. I thought familiarity would make it easier, but it didn’t. This time, I lacked the same anticipation, excitement, and preparation as my first Century.

Looking back, I realize that success requires more than just experience—it demands consistent effort, preparation, and focus. Here are the key takeaways from my journey:

Know Where You’re Going and Why

Clarity of purpose is essential. Reflecting on why this ride mattered to me gave me the motivation to keep pushing, even when I felt unprepared.

Eliminate Distractions

Time is precious. I made a list of how I spend my time weekly and identified areas to reduce or eliminate distractions. By cutting out what doesn’t serve my goals, I free up energy for what truly matters.

Great Achievement Requires Great Sacrifice

Robin Sharma said it best: “Great achievement requires great sacrifice.” Preparing for a Century ride—physically, mentally, and emotionally—takes commitment. It’s a reminder that big goals often demand big efforts.

The Circle of Success

It is hard to accomplish any goal worth having without the three components of the Circle of Success:


Success isn’t a solo journey. I relied on a support system—those who believed in me and encouraged me. Knowing that you aren’t in it alone gives us strength and helps us stay focused on what is important. But I also had a few people in my life that believed in me and supported me. One of the turning points was when I started focusing more on these people vs the people not in my corner.


Staying present and practicing gratitude helped me through tough moments. I focused on:

  • What I could control
  • Small, daily progress
  • The people, places, and activities that bring me joy

Even brief moments of positivity can shift your mindset and remind you that happiness and success are within your control.


Confidence comes from keeping promises to yourself. I embraced the mindset of:

  • Talk the talk: Speak as if you’ve already succeeded. During this lengthy event, instead of thinking if I could actually do it, I would tell myself, “Think about how you are going to feel when you overcome this.”
  • Walk the walk: Carry yourself as if you are the person you want to be. I wanted to be a finisher, so I had to carry myself that way. Even as every muscle in my body ached, I held my body strong on the bike and tried to remember to smile frequently (after all, I was doing what I loved in a place that I love).
  • See it, be it: Visualize success until you embody it. I frequently saw myself crossing the finish line
  • Preparation—both mental and physical—is key. I couldn’t just wake up and ride 100 miles; it required a plan, gradual mileage increases, and mental toughness. Additionally, I had to practice my responses to adversity ahead of time. I knew what I was going to say to myself when I wanted to quit. I knew what I needed to eat or drink when I felt weak, or my blood pressure was falling. I prepared with the warmest clothing possible to make the weather bearable.

The Power of Mental Preparation

My mind proved to be my strongest (and sometimes weakest) asset. Success starts with your thoughts because they shape your reality.

I encountered negativity from some people who dismissed my goal or questioned its value. At first, their doubts weighed on me. But then I chose to focus on those who supported and believed in me. Their encouragement became my fuel.

This experience reaffirmed that your mindset is everything. Surround yourself with positivity, believe in your purpose, and commit to the process.

Completing this second Century ride wasn’t easier than the first—it was harder. But it taught me invaluable lessons about preparation, perseverance, and the power of a focused mind. These insights will guide me in future challenges, both on and off the bike.