Mind Games to Play for Distance Running

I am now a veteran of 3 marathons, a 31 mile ultra and a 40 mile ultra in addition to all the long training runs. I am often asked how do you do it. What I have come to discover and probably the reason I am addicted to distance running is that its a mind game. Your body will respond physically if you can get your mind to lead. The key is losing yourself in the run or playing tricks on the brain. Thus the reason for this article. I have compiled a list of mind tricks that I have used or have heard others use. Try one on your next long run or send me a “game” you play. Enjoy!

1. The Alphabet Game. This one is great for a marathon- each mile corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. For each letter you think of something that you enjoy or like that starts with that letter and for that mile you focus your thoughts on that thing. Ex. Mile 1, I would think of something with letter A that I liek.

Variations: You can take a person”s name that starts with that letter- Ex. Mile 4 would be the letter D so I might think about my brother David. Or take a

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word that describes you. Ex. Mile 3 corresponds with the letter C so I might describe myself as confident.

2. A quote a mile. I used this mind game at the Baltimore marathon several years ago that qualified me for Boston. It was a great boost mentally. For each mile, I quoted a phrase, quote, or bibical verse that inspired me, reminded me to be strong, keep me positive, etc.

3. Dedication Mile. This helped my 40 mile run “fly” (ok maybe it didn”t fly but it did help me mentally) by. For each mile, I dedicated that mile to a person or group of people and texted them (I still have the old timey flip phone that I have mastered running and texting on). Various factors leading up to the run, I turned the run into something alot more than just about me and running. Thus, I thought it was important to share that with others and how they had encouraged me, inspired me, or what they meant to me. The feedback was tremendous and was a bigger boost than finishing the run.

4. Number Game. Each mile number corresponds to a significant mile in your life. Ex. Mile 6 might be your 6th year wedding anniversary.

5. Jersey Game. This is a slight variation to the number game for

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sports fanatic try this one. My running partner and I would often play this one on training runs. Each mile or you can do minutes for shorter runs, you take turns in naming a sports figure that wore that specific number. Ex. Mile 23 or in the 23rd minutes, I would name Michael Jordan.

6. Travel Your World. For each mile, recall memories of a trip or place you have visited.

7. Bucket List. For each mile think of something on your bucket list.

Again, these are just a few I have tried that have helped me get through those tough spots. I have found I usually don”t need to play a game throughout but its amazing how it helps a mile or two fly by. The reason runners often quit or struggle through miles is because their brain is busy trying to convince them that they are tired, that they don”t want to do this anymore, that they are hurting, etc. The trick is to break that throught and focus on something else at least long enough to get through the tougher spots. Happy Running!