How to Help an Author Beyond Buying Their Book

  1. Buy their book for others as a gift. Think of which friends and relatives would enjoy the book/novel. Buy it for them as either a birthday gift or holiday gift. Get copies signed if possible to make gifts special. Even people who don’t read many novels will still take note if a gifted book is personalized and autographed.
  2. When you actually read the book, read it where people can see it. Read it in public. Leave it out for people to see.
  3. Leave a review on Amazon or or Goodreads or all. Reviews are still very important. Those first 10-20 reviews really matter and can set a book on the right path. (Note: You can leave the same review on all sites to save time.)
  4. “Like” the book on Amazon, “or both. I heard from a literary agent once that the more “Likes” a book had on its Amazon page, the more frequent it turned up in Amazon’s comparable titles elsewhere.
  5. Follow the author’s Social Media sites
  6. Attend or host a book release party and bring a warm body or two.
  7. Spread news of the book through your social media channels. When the author mentions it on Facebook, share the news with your social circles and include a small note about what the book is and why they should buy it. In other words, spreading the word by saying “My friend got published!” is nice — but it’s better to say, “This new book by my hilarious friend is a great gift for dads who are raising daughters. Laugh-out-loud-funny stuff for all fathers to enjoy!” See how the second one targets people in a simple-yet-specific way? Do this kind of targeting when you spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, or blogs.
  8. If you have media contacts or know people of influence, arrange a connection.
  9. Have them speak to your team, club, company or professional association. Authors need two things – book sales and exposure to new audiences.
  10. Have your team and/or your book club read it.
  11. Feature them in your blog, podcast, or newsletter.
  12. Recommend your friend’s book to your local librarians or buy a copy and donate it to the library. Encourage them to buy the book. Let them know if the book is by a local author. Note: Libraries often order copies of books based on the inquiries they receive for the book.
  13. Recommend your friend’s book to your local bookstores. Let them know if the book is by a local author. Bookstores also stock books based on demand. The more people who ask about a book, the more likely it is that the bookstore will stock the book.
  14. CafePress your friend’s book. Upload your friend’s book cover to CafePress, and then order a T-shirt or two, a golf shirt, an umbrella, a kitchen magnet, a book bag. Then wear the apparel or use the item to help showcase your friend’s book.


The Confident Athlete: 4 Easy Steps to Build and Maintain Confident

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Twitter: @tamimatheny