Dynamic Stretching and Footwork Warm-up for Tennis

I would recommend a 5-10 min jog before doing the following exercises. The exercises below should take no more than 7-10 min. Each one is from doubles line to doubles line on 1 court.

1. Jog w/ arm circles: one way arms are going forward, coming back arms are going backward 2x
2. Jog w/ arm hugs: hug yourself as you jog 2x
3. Backwards Jog – coming back 2x
4. Slides with Arm Crosses: Sliding, or side-stepping, is like a sideways gallop, where your feet come together, then one foot steps sideways so that your feet are widely separated. Cross Arms back and forth as you slide. Switch lead leg coming back 2x
5. Butt Kicks: Place your hands on your rear, palms out. Jog so that you kick your palm with your heel on each step. 2x
6. Backwards Skip: 2x
7. Carioca: The carioca step is a way to move sideways

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at a constant speed. Your left foot crosses in front of your right, your right foot steps right, your left foot crosses behind your right, then your right foot steps right. Switch lead leg coming back 2x
8. High-Knee Jog: On each step, lift your knee as close to your chest as possible. Leaning back helps. 2x
9. Hamstring Stretch: Step forward with left foot, bend over while balancing only on left and right leg comes back (bend torso to where parallel with ground), come up, step forward with right and repeat on right side, continue alternating 1x
10. Leg March: Kick left leg upward as you try to touch your toe with your right arm, switch, continue alternating 1x
11. Backwards Snake: Jog backwards, completing an S-turn with every ten small steps or so. 1x
12. Trunk Rotations: Start w/ feet shoulders width apart, bring arms up to shoulder height and rotate torso to left side then the right side. Gradually lower body by bending knees and pivoting as you rotate from side to side. 1x
13. Backward Hip Raises: Face backwards, lift knee up and rotate hip outwards. Step back as if trying to clear a hurdle, place foot down and repeat with other leg. 1x
14. Sprints- sprint width of court,

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jog back 2x
15. Sprints- sprint width of court, back pedal back 2x