Confidence is an Action

Too many times we think of confidence as an emotion. “We feel confident today…” However, confidence is actually an action. It’s about doing. Just as Nike says, “Just do it.”

How do we gain confidence? Not from our emotions. If we give our feelings the power to determine if we are confident then we are held at the mercy of our emotions. Sometimes that may be beneficial but at other times that can hold us captive and prohibits us from performing our best.

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If we derive our confidence from our actions, confidence is more in our hands. Think about it. Where do you get confidence from? It comes from doing… from taking action. If you have a big test coming up and you prepare properly (doing) then you are more likely to be confident going into the exam right? If you are training for a run and you do the mileage you are suppose to do then you draw on your experience (actions) during your run. You have done it so you are more likely to be confident during the race. You feel better about yourself thus you are more confident right?

Thus if we focus on doing instead of focusing on our emotions, we have greater control of our confidence. If we have done what we are supposed to do we will be more confident going into the exam, race, contest, etc. If fear or doubt start to creep into your mind, STOP the emotions and focus on your ACTIONS and why you should be CONFIDENT. As Nike says, “Just Do It” and confidence will be yours to own.