Beating Your Thirst

As the heat has reached record temperatures this summer, it is more important than ever to make sure you or your athletes are hydrating properly. Water is the most important nutrient for our bodies and this is even more so for athletes. Staying hydrated can easily be that edge that allows you to go the extra mile.

We often fail to realize that lack of water can affect our bodies and thus our performance in numerous ways. Athletic performance will start to suffer at only 2% loss of body weight. As we become dehydrated, we don’t have enough water to sufficient transport fuel to our muscles, absorb the heat produced from our working muscles, eliminate the buildup of waste produced by our muscles, regulate our body temperature to keep us from overheating, and lubricate our joints.

The importance of hydrating

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for athletes cannot be stressed enough. Due to the physiological factors listed above dehydration can result in the following negative effects:

  • Energy is zapped sooner
  • Fatigue sets in earlier
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Mental skills diminished, such as lack of concentration
  • Greater likelihood of headaches and nausea

By the time we register that we are thirsty it is often too late. Here are some tips on how to prevent this.

Treat your body right and it will thank you in the long run.