Plotting a course for succession, Plotting a road to transcend.
Looking to gain a way through, To the unclear destination
Or is it more clear than you know?
The verbal question of the day, The written source code of life.
What is the purpose and What guide shall be chosen for me?
Is the course an easy road, Is the trail plagued with a gauntlet
Of ups and down to push me harder?
Finding the guide with no guide.
An echo of frustration rings out.
But wait is the thought,
I’ve been here before.
The terrain looks familiar.
The sites and sounds become more
And more clear.
I think I have found my way.
Wait I know I have found my way.
So the decision is made,
Forget plotting a course,
But instead make my own way.
Success is not decided by any
But only decided by one.
So with the navigational plot
The journey has begun.
Finding your way through anything
Can be treacherous,
But remember the questions of life
And make them work for you.
The destination in the distance
Is hard to see but be your own captain
And clam the vessel of life.
Make it your own,
Make it your way, and
Love every breaking wave of challenge and change.
The course is yours
So how will you plot it?