Fuel to Help Reach Your Goals

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have goals to keep us motivated. You need a vision for the journey ahead. Once you have your vision, then you have to breathe life into it everyday, especially during difficult periods. You need ways to keep you fueled. Because if you can see it, then you will keep striving to achieve it. You will have times when you feel like you can’t or don’t want to continue. The way to continue on your path is to find ways to keep your vision alive. Below are a

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few ideas to help keep your eye on the prize (vision):

1. Putting motivational quotes on lockers, notebooks, mirrors- anywhere you look regularly
2. Using

social media- sending out positive, motivational thoughts, etc
3. Having a daily/weekly journal of small “wins” toward the goal
4. Having daily goals
5. Creating a Vision Board
6. Being a motivation to others
7. Dedicating your goal to those important in your life or who have made a difference
8. Visualizing (picture in full detail) yourself fulfilling your goal and how good it will feel. Do this at least 5 minutes a day.
9. Writing your goals down in as many places as possible.