Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Why, is it that the majority of us are afraid to make mistakes? One of the biggest obstacles that stops people from achieving anything in life is the thought or fear of making a mistake. But the funny thing is making mistakes is a very important part of life, so why are people so afraid of making them?

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Could it be that we are afraid of how we will look in front of others? Or do we fear the outcome could lead to damage, emotionally, physically, financially, mentally, etc.?  Regardless of the reason, being afraid leads to paralysis.

The main difference if whether we see mistakes as a threat or opportunity is our mindset.  Do we possess a confident, positive mind-set or an undecisive, negative one? The great things about that is that mindsets can be altered and strengthened by changing our focus.  We focus on the lesson but not the loss.

The most successful people in all areas of life, know that they need to learn, not run, from their mistakes. They are so focused on progress, that they don’t put the stress on the mistake.  Instead their focus is on what they can learn from it. Think about it. Mistakes are where we learn and mature the most. However, if we spend most of our time dodging them; we stay fixated.  Growth naturally increases our self-confidence, which is a necessity for success get in life.

When we are confident, we are more willing to admit that we have made a mistake. Something that a person with low confidence doesn’t often have the courage to do. With this maturity comes the realization that most mistakes are not lethal. They can show us how to do something the right way. Like Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  Then after learning from the mistake, we allow ourselves to move forward.

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The dread of failing and not wanting to make a mistake stops advancement in life: it is a stagnating force that hinders confidence, and serves no purpose in anyone’s life.

Remember you need confidence in yourself to make it in life!  We gain confidence every time we are willing to put ourselves on the line or step outside our comfort zones.  Today challenge yourself to be willing to put yourself in a position to make a mistake.  If you don’t make it, great.  If you do, admit it and use it to propel you forward.  Forward Focus!

“The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top.” Dr. Joyce Brothers.


*For daily confidence tips, follow on twitter @tamimatheny and sign up for the monthly confidence calendar:

*For additional confidence building advice, check out “The Confident Athlete: 4 Easy Steps to Build and Maintain Confidence” online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble:

Tami Matheny is a Mental Game Coach and Author.  She owns and runs, Refuse2LoseCoaching.  Follow her on twitter @r2lcoaching and @tamimatheny & on Instagram @refuse2losecoaching.

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  • Parents and the Mental Game
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  • TCL Mindsets (Teambuilding to help develop culture, leadership, and positive mindsets)