Blank Confidence Calendar

Confidence is not something we were born with or without.  It is an acquired skill just like our physical skills.  Working on what you do, say, and think daily can help you develop a stable foundation of confidence.   The monthly confidence calendar brings this to life.  It provides a daily focus on areas to help you build confidence:

Start Strong Sunday (Preparation):  Preparation is the foundation of confidence.  Putting in the work mentally and physically lays a strong foundation.

Make a Difference Monday:  Do something that makes a difference in your life or in the life of others.  This naturally improves confidence.

Talk the Talk Tuesday (Self-Talk):  Slight changes in your self-talk can improve your confidence significantly.

Walk the Walk Wednesday (Body Language/Action):  What you do and how you carry yourself goes hand in hand with your self-talk.  The 2 together can create any emotion.

Thankful Thursday:  When you change your focus to gratitude, it automatically increases confidence.

Friday Focus:  What you focus on grows.

See it, Be it, Saturday (Visualization):  How you see yourself is an important part of your confidence.  Additionally, visualization is an important tool in getting extra reps of your skills in your mind.

Challenge:  Use the blank calendar below to build your own confidence calendar.  Fill out the dates for the month you are in. Then each day write down what you will/or did do to build your confidence in that area corresponding with the day (ex. if the 1st were on a Tuesday, then you would respond with something to do with your self-talk).

Tami Matheny is a Mental Game Coach and Author of “The Confident Athlete: 4 Easy Steps to Build and Maintain Confidence” and “The Confidence Journal”. Both books can be purchased online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. For group discounts contact

Tami owns and runs, Refuse2LoseCoaching which provides mental coaching for athletes and teams at all levels. For more information on mental training contact, follow us on twitter @tamimatheny and @r2lcoaching and visit our website:

For daily confidence tips, sign up for the monthly confidence calendar:
If you are on Facebook join the group Parents and the Mental Game for daily advice, tips, and motivation: