Journaling for Athletes

One of the best ways for athletes (anyone for that matter) to improve is to journal.  A journal is an effective planning tool as well as reflective measure.   It helps you gain invaluable perspective.  Writing daily before and after practices or competitions helps athlete become more intentional in their growth.  With most things in life, those who are the most prepared are the ones in the best position to achieve success. Below are 5 suggestions of what to include in your journal:
  1. What Went Well (WWW’s)- at least 5 specific things you did well regardless of the result
  2. What Would Do Differently (WWDD’s)- at least 2 specific things you would do differently next time.  The WWW’s and WWDD’s should have a ratio of at least 5 to 2
  3. Process Goals- goals that are not result oriented
  4. Routines- mental warmup, mistake ritual, etc.
  5. Emotions/thoughts- anything you were feeling, thinking, etc. that could help you next time.
For further information on ideas above or for help in general with the mental skills, contact Tami Matheny at  Additionally, “The Confidence Journal” is a great tool for athletes to use for their journaling.  Buy today on Amazon Tami Matheny is a Mental Game Coach and Author of “The Confident Athlete: 4 Easy Steps to Build and Maintain Confidence” and “The Confidence Journal”.  She owns and runs, Refuse2LoseCoaching which provides mental coaching for athletes and teams at all levels. Follow her on twitter @r2lcoaching and Instagram @refuse2losecoaching. For more information about “The Confident Athlete” visit:  It can be purchased online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  For group discounts contact For daily confidence tips, follow “The Confident Athlete” on twitter @tamimatheny and sign up for the monthly confidence calendar: If you are on Facebook join the group Parents and the Mental Game for daily advice, tips, motivation, etc.