The Present Moment

Learning to focus on the present moment can be not only a game changer but life changer.  After all, the present moment is only one that matters.  Almost every negative emotion we have is due to clinging on to something that happened in the past or worrying about what will happen in the future.  Therefore, the key to life is learning to stay in the present moment. 

Of course, this is easier said than done.  But we can train our brains to stay in the moment through various exercises and tips.  Below you will find several suggestions (by no means is this an exhaustive list) … 

  1. Deep breathing:  breathe in for 7 counts, hold for a count, and slowly breathe out for 7 counts.  As you breathe in, breathe in positive emotions.  As you breathe out, see the negative emotions leaving your body.
  2. Use one of your 5 senses.  For instance, really focusing on what you are hearing pulls you back to the present moment.  The key is to get fully immersed in that sense.
  3. Stare at the sky for 10 seconds.  This movement breaks the emotion you are having.  When you bring your eyes back immediately have a positive thought or emotion to now focus on.
  4. Use the acronym W.I.N.  This stands for What’s Important Now.  Asking yourself this question can often refocus your mind back to what you need to do in this moment.  When we win that moment, we move to the next one
  5. First things first.  Often, we allow our brains to get overwhelmed by the big picture.  Similar to W.I.N, we are breaking down our focus to one thing.  What’s the first thing you need to do?  Do it and then allow yourself to think about the next thing and so on.

The above 5 things may seem simple yet when applied consistently can help you make powerful changes in your life.  The present moment is where life is best lived! 

Tami Matheny is a Mental Game Coach and Author of  “This is Good: A Journey on Overcoming Adversity”, “The Confident Athlete: 4 Easy Steps to Build and Maintain Confidence” and “The Confidence Journal”.  She owns and runs, Refuse2LoseCoaching which provides mental coaching for athletes and teams at all levels. Follow her on twitter @r2lcoaching and Instagram @refuse2losecoaching.   All books are available on Amazon. For group discounts on books contact

For daily confidence tips, follow “The Confident Athlete” on twitter @tamimatheny and sign up for the monthly confidence calendar:

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