Commitment Quiz

Commitment is an action not just something you say. It is what you do day-to-day in order to accomplish whatever it is you really want. It is sacrificing in order to achieve greater things. It is still wanting it and doing what is needed when the going gets rough (i.e. lose a game, coach yells at you, behind in school work, practices get more difficult, etc). If you are not committed you quit or just go through the motions when you are challenged. How committed are you?

  1. Are you willing to have a mental and physical goal everyday or do you just show up hoping you will get better?
  2. Are you willing to do at least 1 thing about those goals everyday or do you have goals but don’t know how or just don’t take the necessary steps to achieve them?
  3. Are you willing to take responsibility when you make a mistake or do you tend to look for excuses- blaming coaches, teammates, officials, parents, school, etc?
  4. Are you willing to support your coaches 100% or do you question what they say and do to your teammates, family, friends, etc?
  5. Are you willing to keep all issues inside the family or if you have a problem you go to other teammates, other coaches outside your team, support staff, friends and family?
  6. Are you willing to accept constructive criticism and use it to make you better or do you pout and complain to teammates and others?
  7. Are you willing to give 10% more each day or do you just go through the motions?
  8. Are you willing to focus on the things you can control or do you focus on things you can’t control?
  9. Are you willing to sit on the bench and do everything you can to prepare yourself when you get in the game or do you sit on the bench moping because you aren’t playing?
  10. Are you willing to not let a bad game/practice derail you and use it to propel you or do you think “oh no, here we go again?”
  11. Are you willing to delay gratification because success is so much more rewarding or do you look for immediate gratification?
  12. Are you willing to make small sacrifices for the greater good of the team and your body (ie. Delay partying,

    staying up late at night, etc.) until the appropriate time or once practice/game is over you are ready to do whatever?

  13. Are you willing to do the extras to keep your body physically sound or (ie. Eating right, stretching, taking care of injuries, doing what you can to prevent injuries, sleeping enough, etc.) or do you not see the need to do the extras?
  14. Are you willing to encourage or get on a teammate for slacking and not being as committed or do you just let them do whatever?
  15. Are you willing to find solutions to problems or would you rather dwell on them?

It is okay if you selected the noncommittal choice in the statements above. The challenge is what are you going to do to change?

No one decides but you, not your coach, your family or friends. You decide each day in the choices you make if you are committed to what you are doing. Make a commitment to yourself and your team that you are going to commit to making this a special year.

I, _________________________________ am making a commitment to myself and my team that I will be and will stay committed. In addition, I’m committing to being a good teammate and encouraging others to stay committed.


Let us know which statement above is your biggest struggle.  Leave us a note in the comments box.  If you struggled with something in past but have committed to it in the present, let us know how you accomplished that feat.  We want to hear from YOU!