Need An Energy Boost?

Need An Energy Boost?

Feel like you are worn out and cannot go anymore. That your energy battery is redlining? Or is your team in the “grind”? We have go through spells where is seems everything is adding up: not enough time in the day, school work, professors, coaches, practices, family issues, injuries, cleaning chores, financial issues, not enough sleep, relationship issues and on and on that zap us from our energy? Then try a few of the suggestions below to give yourself or your team a boost:

1. Drink lots of fluids– water, Gatorades, etc

Our body is made up of over two-thirds water and our bodies us water for so many functions. Thus, a depletion of water makes our bodies have to work harder.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast and don’t skip meals

Keeping a consistent body sugar level in your body will help you sustain your energy better and longer. Too many people skip breakfast but it is arguable the most important meal of the day. When you wake up your tank is energy. Kick off the day with a good breakfast and you are bond to have more energy.

3. Increase your intake of magnesium

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It is important in that it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, keeps bones strong, regulates blood sugar levels, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. You can increase your level of magnesium through a multivitamin or by adding more nuts, fish, and whole grain foods to your diet.

4. Use a recovery drink
Post-exercise nutrition (found in recovery drinks) improves the quality and the rate of recovery after strenuous exercise. Signs of poor recovery include fatigue, prolonged muscle soreness, lack of increased strength, and lack of increased muscle mass. Research has shown that the right nutrition ingested within the hour of a workout can drastically improve one’s recovery time.

5. Laughter

Laughing is one of the easiest and funniest ways to increase your energy. Laughter boosts your immune system, your energy, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Try a quick joke or funny comment before you start a game or when your teammates are tight and stressed out. See if it doesn’t pick up the energy.

6. Deep breathing

Deep breathing reduces stress, releases endorphins into the system, and helps relieve headaches, sleeplessness, backaches and other stress related aches and pains. In addition, it helps clear and foucs the mind. Thus giving your body a much needed energy boost.

7. Mind over Matter

Don’t give into the thought of tiredness- if you dwell on being tired you focus more on those feelings. Don’t let your

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mind think it is tired. Instead, convince yourself otherwise.

8. Visualize

Seeing yourself being energetic, feeling light on your feet and full of energy is powerful. Often our brain on a physiological level doesn’t know what the difference between what is actually happening and what we are thinking.

9. Surround yourself in positivity

Positive thoughts, actions, environments tend to create more energy. Negative thoughts and people drain us. Focus and seek positive thoughts, actions, and people.

10. Become a good actress

Our emotions control us. Be a good actress and learn to get your emotions in check with the role you need to play. How do actresses get in the moment? By focusing their thoughts and body language for the emotion that is called for. The best athletes are able to enter the role of a competitor through their emotions.

11. Get a good night’s sleep

In the long run, nothing can replace a good night’s sleep.

Try one or all of these suggestions for a pick me up!