Improving Team Communication

Improving Team Communication

Improving team communication not only can unite a team and foster greater cohesion but it usually leads to greater trust which leads to greater commitment. All of these together lead to greater like hood of success. I have listed a few quick, easy ways to build greater cohesion. Try a few new ones with your team today.

  1. Regular Meetings
    • 1 on 1
    • Team w/ coaches
    • Team w/out coaches
  2. Regular Social Outings
    • Team dinners
    • Celebrations- birthdays, wins, Thanksgiving meal as team, etc
    • Going to other athletic events as a group
    • Team activities- whitewater rafting, etc
    • 1 on 1 teammate “dates”- coffee, meal, etc 1 on 1 to get to know each other better
    • Movie night- watching a motivational movie at a teammate’s apartment/house
  3. Social Networks
    • Team Facebook site
    • Team Twitter
    • Friending all teammates on Facebook
    • Sending texts for appreciation, congrats, or a pick me up
  4. Extras 
    • Secret Teammate (like secret pal)
    • Buddy teammates (pair off 2 teammates that will hold each other responsible)
    • Special handshake
    • Special greeting
    • Create a special way of celebrating a score
    • Team language
    • Nicknames
    • Creating your own chants, cheers, etc
    • Having a theme or slogan for the year

If you have done something with your team that has been successful and you would like to share please send me your ideas to Thanks!