4 R’s to Keep Your Body Performing

1. Rehydrate – sweating causes a loss of water and electrolytes, make sure you drink water and low sugar, non caffeine drinks before, during and after exercise to avoid dehydration.  It’s a good idea to start the night before.

 2. Replenish – stored carbohydrates (glycogen) are the primary fuel for muscles during exercise, it is important to consume carbohydrates after exercise to replace depleted stores

Ex. Pastas, potatoes, crackers, breads, low sugar cereals, brown rice, fruits (bananas, raisins, pears, grapes, watermelon and blueberries are the best)

3. Repair – muscle is broken down during exercise, eating high quality protein after exercise will help rebuild muscle tissue

 Ex.  To help replenish and restore:  peanut butter sandwich, chocolate milk, low fat cereal w/ milk, lean turkey/chicken/ham sandwiches, yogurt, pasta w/ lean meat

4. Reinforce – during exercise & especially during long seasons, your immune system becomes compromised due to cell damage and inflammation.  To keep a strong immune system refuel with nutritious, fresh foods.  Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet will go a long way in keeping your body performing well as well as reduce injuries and sickness. Fresh foods are better than frozen or processed foods.